by Jaron | Sep 17, 2013 | Commercial, Editorial, Headshots, Life
As a break from my regular wedding and engagement work, I got to get shot at for once. I shot back too though. How often do you get photograph an actual dog in a “dog fight,” Abe Lincoln, and Frederick Douglas all in the same day?

by Jaron | May 24, 2012 | Commercial, Editorial, Headshots
I enjoy doing head-shots for all sorts of people. It’s a pretty basic type of shoot, and allows me to get to know my client and truly try to get them to give natural, personal, and real expressions. I do this so that their head-shots not only show what the person looks like, but who they really are. I thought I’d post 2 recent shoots for head-shots that I have done.
Who needs headshots you ask?
Haha, Well, you may not have even asked that really, but I bet many of you had never even thought about it. If you own your own business, work in a business, operate a blog, or generally want to be seen as a professional in whatever field you work in, perception is everything. I would love it if our world judged us only at our work and results, but it simply isn’t the case. A professional quality picture expresses that you are a professional, and that you take your work seriously, and either someone was willing to invest in getting you professional quality photos, or you were willing to invest in that imagery yourself.
My job is to give you the imagery that tells others that you are successful, or at the very least that you are well on your way. Quality head-shots can do that. The first shoot that I will show is one of my friend Jerrod Sills. We did some business casual shots, and then some more fashionable and serious shots. After that I have posted images that contrast his business shots with the headshots of Tiffany King, who wanted some shots for her food blog (Eat at Home Blog ) so that people see her professionalism in a different way. For her purposes, we did a shoot that let her look accessible, joyful, and natural.
At the end of the post I can’t help but to post some images from Mr. Sills that we did after his head-shots. I wanted to display my ability to take high quality, editorial and fashion portraits. Jerrod was very excited to show off the resulting images, with many thinking he’s a big time CEO or a GQ fashion model. Who doesn’t want that? 🙂

by Jaron | Jan 3, 2012 | Commercial, Editorial, Headshots
Ok, so in all honesty, this was a practice session me and my friend Brea decided to have in place of the headshot session that was initially scheduled for that day, which was cancelled due to Bronchitis… Ick right? So we made lemonade out of bronchitis, or whatever the saying is 😉 Sadly, I can’t take credit for the awesome background though. She made that herself. We had a great time trying out some stuff and fine tuning our work. Practice makes perfect!