by Jaron | Aug 1, 2012 | Engagement
After shooting Sarah and Michaels engagement photos, I wish their wedding was sooner. October isn’t far away, but I just had tons of fun with these two and their wedding day will be INCREDIBLE. They even promised to have a beautiful Ford Model A for us to use at the wedding 🙂 I always seem to get the most relaxed, fun, and just downright great couples. That makes my job so enjoyable and fun, and I’m incredibly thankful for them all.

by Jaron | Nov 3, 2011 | Engagement
What I loved about this shoot, is that after looking over the pictures I found that John is only looking at the camera in a few pictures. In all the rest, his eyes are locked on Jennifer. He is captivated by her. I love that. He’s captivated by everything about her. Every time I look at their pictures, I can’t help but see an incredible image of Christ’s love for us as his bride, and be overwhelmed by the fact that he is so intently and perfectly captivated by his church. He is captivated in deep and abiding love for us that we are drawn right back to him, just as Jennifer is with John. She see’s his adoration and love and knows in the most incredible way that she is safe and secure.
We started out in a small barn at keeneland, snagging sweet intimate shots with some pretty epic soft light spilling in. They were so natural together.

Prepare yourself for what is below…

Pretty incredible right? That was just the first 10 minutes of shooting, I knew I was in for some great stuff right about then.

I love when I get a picture in my head before a shoot, and it turns out exactly like I envisioned it (below)… but better 🙂

After I got way more than I expected at Keeneland, we went over to the Kentucky Horse Park for some classic Kentucky portraits with a few of the hairy friends that our state is so well known for.

The horse below may have slobbered on Jennifer just a little, but it’s just his way of saying hello. She’s the one who asked for horses. LOL

Then we went off to one of my favorite places. Hillenmeyer Nurseries old building makes for some great shots with cool color, texture, and depth. A little of the old gives the new some interesting flavor.

John really wasn’t that shocked by the ring… he knows he did a good job 😉 ^^^^

by Jaron | Oct 18, 2011 | Engagement
WOW! This shoot was PERFECT. The weather, colors, couple, and everything was perfect. Brittany and andy were so laid back and willing to have sweet, intimate moments, as well as being more than ready to be absolutely ridiculous on cue :). I wanted to try a lot of new and interesting things, and B+A were on board for all of it, no matter how long it took.
The two met while working for Teach For America in Indiana, so clearly they have amazing hearts and LOVE people. Those are the kinds of clients I love to be around. Being able to feed off of that kind of energy makes my job easy as pie.
They wanted some classic Ky pictures and a taste of the University of Kentucky, so we took care of that as well as fitting in some other detours along the way, including some fun shots outside the famous Kentucky Theater. Enjoy!

While it may seem at first glance like an odd place to shoot, this warehouse made for some interesting backgrounds and textures I’m sure to use again soon in the future.

Then off to the good Ol’ U of K. Being an alumni myself, getting to shoot on campus was a pleasure. Brittany was the Vice President of the Student Body in her college days, so this campus holds a large place in her heart.

This is kinda like biting a gold coin to test it’s quality right? 🙂

Once the sun got to the right place, we stepped out in front of the classic Memorial Hall.

Even though it was getting a bit late, Brittany and Andy humored me and let me take them downtown for one last set of shots. I’m so glad they did, because these are definitely some of my favorite shots.

by Jaron | Oct 11, 2011 | Engagement
I’m officially a blogger! There are still a few kinks to work out with the links and such, so be patient with me, but I’m excited to finally get this up and running. You are all the reason I get to do this amazing job, and I care deeply about your thoughts and ideas, so I hope to get your feedback as much as possible.
This couple below is incredibly excited as well… but not about my blog haha. They are looking forward to an incredible wedding next year in Indianapolis, and I’m honored to have the opportunity to shoot it. As I get this blogging thing figured out more, I’ll post more from the awesome lexington shoot that covered UK, Downtown, as well as the Horse park. Classic.