by Jaron | Sep 17, 2013 | Commercial, Editorial, Headshots, Life
As a break from my regular wedding and engagement work, I got to get shot at for once. I shot back too though. How often do you get photograph an actual dog in a “dog fight,” Abe Lincoln, and Frederick Douglas all in the same day?

by Jaron | Apr 10, 2012 | Life
Easter is such an amazing holiday. It seems unacceptable to just refer to it as a holiday, to lump it in with presidents day or any of the other countless holidays that we see come and go with barely an acknowledgment. Hope this Easter held something special for each of you. Something filled with love. Something filled with hope. Something filled with joy. Most of all, I hope your easter held high the one that holds those as just a few of his names. Jesus. The name above all names. The King of Kings. To those that fear death, know that he conquered it. To those that have never known true life, he offers it freely. Seek him out. Place yourself in submission to him, and he will open the heavens to you. He will open himself to you. Seek out his will, on earth as it is in heaven.

by Jaron | Mar 7, 2012 | Editorial, Headshots, Life
Ok, so it’s winter, a notoriously more relaxed time of year for us photographers. However due to the unusual warmth, I’ve been able to fit in some very fun personal projects that help me practice new techniques and keep my sanity. The first of which was to do some head shots of my best friend Curt. He’s a happy fella, and a full time worship and discipleship minister. I figured he’d be a good place to start, considering I know he’d do anything I asked haha.

Then, as a bit of a change of pace, I thought I’d take some shots of my alter-ego. To help out some friends in their business, as well as to give myself an opportunity to let my crazy side out, I do some work in churches and schools as the mascot known as Jiggy for Remix Education ( For these shots, one of the other guys hopped in the suit so I could remain behind the camera, then we got some great shots downtown.

On one of the many unusually warm winter days last week, me and a friend J decided to go around downtown and find some interesting willing participants to have their photo taken. As we roamed over near Victorian Square, I spotted this next fellow. I saw his incredible beard and knew I had to shoot him. Larry was his name. He was a great guy waiting for a store to open and had a great time getting his photo taken. He later said he was getting quite a chuckle out of telling his friends of his impromptu professional modeling encounter. I hope all of you are having a wonderful winter, and getting out to make your dreams come true, no matter how warm or cold the weather.
God Bless.

by Jaron | Nov 12, 2011 | Family, Life
My family is crazy, and my family is big. When they decided to have me shoot portraits of ALL of them, on one day, in one evening, I was a little… worried. 14 people, including 6 kids, with 2 kids under the age of 3. I love my family, and especially the kids, but it was a large undertaking, and for some reason I feel the most pressure to do well when working with them. They have been amazingly encouraging in everything I have ever done, and since pursuing my career in photography they have been some of my best and loudest cheerleaders. Regardless of my worries, they did a great job, and I’m crazy about the pictures that resulted from that chaotic day.
First up, was the Combs portion of the clan. For those that don’t know, Bree is my second oldest sister and sibling, and her and Jason have 3 amazing children. Grace, the oldest, is a basketball fanatic. Noah, the middle child, loves soccer (and his uncle Jaron). Then there is Eli, who joined our family when he was 8 months old from South Korea, and is a constant joy.

Then there is my brother’s part of the Johns’. Him and Kallye have 3 kids as well. Lily, their oldest, is amazing and loves everything girly. Isaac, the middle child, is 100% boy. Then, Georgia Belle is simply one of the cutest little girls known to man. Oh, and this next picture is one of my favorite pictures yet 🙂

Then there are the two people that made all of this happen. My parents. These are two incredible people that God used to build such an incredible family. I can’t thank the Lord enough for what they have done for all of us.

Here are some of my dad’s good friends that came to watch the shoot 🙂

These next pictures are a clear proof that there is a God. Everyone together, in one picture, and they are all looking at the camera.

Oh, and here is my oldest sister Rainey… and her 6 kids 🙂

Thanks again to my family for all their support and love in all that I am and do. Here is one last picture of all the girls together, even Lacy (the dog haha).

by Jaron | Oct 13, 2011 | Life
I know this has little to do with photography, weddings, or portraits in general. In the end however, all of my photography is about people. Every so often I am left in awe of people, and specifically the way God uses people. This is one of those moments.
This afternoon I arrived at the Hilton in downtown Lexington, and received an unexpected blessing. The event I was shooting was for The Sanders-Brown Center on Aging (SBCoA) at UK. This event was to honor some very special people. The awards given out were known as the Dr. William R. Markesbery Senior Star Awards, and are given to those who exemplify graceful aging by remaining engaged in an active lifestyle.
It was a wonderful event, in which the great T.G. Shuck announced the honorees, and they, with help, made their way up to slowly and gracefully accept their awards. One woman had a powerful impact on me. As she slowly and painfully made her way up to the front to accept her award, T.G. announced one amazing feat after another. This woman was Ms. Lenora Kelly Olds, he informed us. She, being 88 years old, has for 25 years (almost my entire lifespan) directed “Fun Time with Lenora” on thursdays at an Owenton assisted living facility where she is as old as most of the residents. She also led the way, on her scooter, in several Relay for Life Survivor Walks. As her late husband, James, would say, “She kept the wheels hot traveling the roads for her volunteer work.”
All the others just walked up, took a picture and exited back to their tables. Ms. Lenora Kelly Olds simply stepped up with a big smile, and said only one thing.
“I’ll keep doin’ it as long as the Lord will let me.”
Then she humbly sat down with her pastor and her family and went on with her day. Thank you Ms. Lenora, I will too.